A Friendly Welcome

Meeting for worship is held every Sunday at the meeting house starting at 9:45.  You are welcome to join us there.  Join us online anytime after 9:35.  The link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3522797886?pwd=bW4xOG9xVmtlbzJ2Vis3T24xWCtnUT09
We, the Friends of Mullica Hill Meeting, welcome you to our meeting for worship, Sunday School, and other activities. You don’t have to be a Quaker to visit us. Some people visit because they are looking for a religious home, others simply want to find out what Quakers are really like. Often we are visited by people who are doing research on Quakers for a school assignment. Everyone is welcome. We hope that you will find here, as we do, a source of help, strength, wisdom, and peace. We invite you to linger with us after worship and share a brief time of fellowship. You are welcome to take any of our pamphlets that interest you.
If, after attending meeting for worship for a time, you feel attracted to the Religious Society of Friends and wish to join the Meeting, we encourage you to let us know of your interest. We welcome as members any who find themselves in unity with our principles and aspirations.
We are strengthened by your presence and trust that, whether or not you join Friends, you will always find a warm welcome in our Meeting.